Cannabis Cup Festival 2018

420 Paradise at Cannabis Cup

High Grade Marijuana
High-Grade Marijuana Nugget

Well the time will soon come again for me to get in peak physical bong-smoking and spliff toking condition. I’ll be like the Floyd Mayweather of weed smoking, well that’s the plan anyway. It goes without saying, though, jokes aside, that you need to be a Superman of the weed world to see a full shift through at the High Times Cannabis Cup. 2018 is going to be the best ever – can’t bloody wait, man. Yikes!

Gonna be the Money Mayweather of the weed smoking world – just without the money. Will that make me, No-Money May? 🙂

Whatever happens I’m so looking forward to it. Everyone and his pet squirrel will be in smoking mood and the cannabis spliffs, joints, blunts or whatever the correct terminology is these days? Who knows. Who even cares? As long as we can walk about and smoke weed then that is good enough for me. We don’t realise how lucky we are to partake in such a luxuriant day at the whacky backy races.

The strength of our weed these days is off the charts compared to smoking a bit of ganja back in the day. We used to chip in for a sixteenth of an ounce and, as young men coming up in the world, take it in turns to make a joint then have a couple off and send it round. This was puff-puff, pass, before Triple P was invented.

Triple P… puff-puff pass. Sounds like a cheaper version of Triple G. Maybe triple P comes round and puts fags out in your ashtray, well blunts at least.

Every Cannabis Cup is exciting, it doesn’t matter whether it’s your first or your last. The laughs, munch, pretty girls, it’s all fucking good, dude. Can’t wait. I’m counting the days now like a little child. There’s months ahead, but it’s nice to dream and have something to look forward to in my near future.

There’s always some new super-strains of hybrid this and sativa that. Who would ever think that, not just on the medical side, but on the pleasure side, too. Weed is science. Weed is bigger than science, haha! Anywhere there is money and scientists aren’t far behind. What makes me laugh is that weed doesn’t know where it want’s to be. It’s got it’s finger in more pies than any pie fingerer I know.

Look at it this way. It’s legal in one state, town or city, then illegal in the next one. Some countries treat it like much harder drugs, then others have a more tolerant and humane approach. Why can’t all the world be as sensible as that? Crazy, eh?

Weed should be embraced and we’d probably have less hassle in the world. Maybe the Donald can give Kim Jong Lung or whatever his face is, haha!

Anyway, over and out for now. Man needs his shut eye.